WHAT IT WAS : On Saturday, May 16th, at Municipal Park the theme seemed to be, birthdays, cupcakes and aprons. Four birthdays, lots of great food and fancy desserts.

We celebrated birthdays for Sarah, Emily, Tara and Grant! Grant is now a
great big 3, and the others are our little girls grown up with little girls and boys of their own.

Emily was here with her boys so we decided the birthdays would be a great excuse for some family fun in the park, thanks to our resident party and all activities planner, Mariellen!

The theme for the day seemed to be aprons and cupcakes. Aunt Kathy and Grandma Joe made aprons as gifts that were put on and modeled with a flourish. Grant got a virtual pond of fishin’ cupcakes, an BSU apron (among other great things) for his birthday and Emily and Sarah got supplies a plenty to make the cutest cupcakes in the world!!

Some serious birthday cupcakes.
And Grace and Simon are only too
willing to help Grant with them!

Grandma Joe make
these Bakin' Buddies
matching aprons for
Sarah's b-day.

Sam, Abbie, Dyanna, Eli, Matt

Just kickin' back.

Babe just had to try making them!
The cake was angel food with a
creamy, fluffy filling, coconut on top
and a touch of lime flavor!
The creamy, strawberry thing was over
brownie with big chunks of chocolate.

Aunt Kathy made these
darling aprons for the
girls for their birthdays.
I just hope she realizes
what a monster she may
have created. These may
be a very coveted item.
And there may be several
who are guilty of this sin!

Lorie Ann, Mason, Chris,
Jeff (friend), and Jake.

Jake usually has something to
say and it looks like this was no

Little Link

Just sittin' and wondering
about all his cousins
and the craziness.

Can you say "Cheese"?

Navy may have been missing
her mommy and daddy, but
she was finding comfort
in a yummy cupcake.

What a cutie!

White grandma is always
willing to hold a baby!
The lucky baby here is

One of the few face shots
I've ever gotten! But, I did
get it!!!

Hannah and Blake

It's nice to have someone your
own age when there are so many

Matt, Maddi and Sammi.

Sammi ate just fine, even
with the definite lack of

Abbie, looking radiant!

Second son due in September.
That'll be eight grandsons
in a row for Grandma and
Papa Joe! All under three!

Our Curly Keith!
Such a sweetheart!

Papa Joe, lovin' the weather,
the kids, the good food and
not havin' to do yard work!

SAM and sam

Playing at the park is
hard work.

Sophie and Lincoln
Cousin love.
So sweet!